How to Use Tiktok to Grow Other Social Media Channels?

/06 December, 2022 6:22 am

How To Use Tiktok To Grow Other Social Media Channels Are you wondering how you can use TikTok to boost your email subscribers? Do you also have a good fan following on TikTok and want to know how your other social media channels can be through it? This article will help you learn how to use TikTok to grow your other social media channels and prompt the audience to subscribe to your email list.

Add your Instagram or YouTube profile to your TikTok account.

Make sure to add your Instagram profile link and YouTube channel to your TikTok account so people can easily access your other social profiles. For this particular reason, go to your TikTok profile and edit it.

At the edit profile screen, you can find the fields at the bottom where you can add your Instagram and YouTube links. Tap to Instagram, log in to your account, and now do the same for YouTube too. Also, you will need to grant permission to TikTok to make changes and receive information about your account.

Add the clear CTAs on your TikTok account to follow you on YouTube and Instagram.

Once you are done with adding your Instagram account to your TikTok profile, you will also have to tell people to follow you over there. Therefore, when you create videos for your TikTok profile, do add a text box that says, “Follow us on Instagram,” and you may also include your Instagram handles here.

On the other hand, if you are making longer videos, such as live streaming, then make sure to repeat your CTA throughout the video streaming. This is something very beneficial for TikTok live broadcasting.

Usually, when you finish such long videos, you will see an increase in your new organic fan following. Here is the one point that you need to keep in mind: give your followers a reason to follow you on Instagram.

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Whenever you are live on TikTok, say to your viewers something like this, “You can save these videos so if you want to learn regularly and want to stay updated with the new coming content, follow us on Instagram because you can find a lot of useful videos there in IGTV.”

This is how if someone wants to watch your content, they will come over to your Instagram or other social media profiles to follow you and your content.

Also, you can mention in the live videos that if someone wants to communicate with you directly, they can DM you on Instagram. This is something that will leave a very pre-qualifier impression on your followers that you are inviting them to communicate on other channels as well.

Repurpose your best TikTok videos to fuel your YouTube content and Instagram reels

TikTok is a social application that offers you a lot more features than other channels such as Instagram Reels; therefore, create your videos first on TikTok and then repurpose the same videos for your other channels.

This will allow you to take benefit of the unique features offered by TikTok as well, as you may use TikTok’s original sounds on your other social media profiles.

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When it comes to repurposing your content for Instagram Reels, you need to make sure that your videos are less than 30 seconds because this is the maximum length of the Instagram reels.

Choose the best videos from your TikTok profile because if your audience loves them on TikTok, then it is more likely that people on Instagram will also appreciate them. Also, make sure that there are no any TikTok-specific mentions in the videos you repurpose to upload on your other channels.

Repurposing your TikTok videos for Instagram Reels has one caveat. If your TikTok videos use copyrighted music backgrounds, Instagram will not allow you to upload them for Reels.

On the other hand, if you use creator audio for your videos that are not copyrighted to upload on your Instagram Reels, Instagram will send you a notification that says, “Your video content has been added to the creator.” This is how it gets processed with no issues.

Moreover, Instagram Reels is not the only place where you can use your repurposed TikTok videos. You may also upload them to other platforms like LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube, saving you time to create separate content for each channel manually.

Save your TikTok video on your mobile phone

To save your published TikTok videos to your phone, open the TikTok app and that particular video, tap on the three-dot, which is available on the right side of your screen. A pop-up menu will appear; choose the option to save the video on your phone.

If you don’t want to save each video manually on your phone, there is an option to automatically save all the future videos you create. For this particular purpose, you need to turn on this option in your settings so videos will be saved automatically on your phone whenever you create them.

All you need to take care of is – when you go to the publish page to post your video, ensure that the setting of “Save to Device” is turned on. This is how TikTok will remember the settings for any future videos you upload.

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Tip: If you want to remove the watermark from your TikTok videos, you can easily do it with an app called Video Eraser. You can install it free from your app purchase on your Android or iOS devices. All you have to do is – upload your video to this app and choose the option to remove the watermark, then save the video to your phone.

Amanda Silberling
Article By:
Amanda Silberling

I work at Likes Geek as a marketing researcher and journalist with over 5 years of experience in media and content marketing. With a demonstrated history of working in the international news and financial technology publishing industries. I manage content and the editorial team at Likes Geek.